Quick Cleaning Enquiry

The Callver Cleaning Co was born in 2005. Based in Watford and named after two special boys. Callum & Oliver. Starting by just offering cleaning service to a few private homes to now providing bespoke commercial cleaning services to businesses and leading organisations of all sizes in 5 Counties. Hertfordshire, London, Essex, Buckinghamshire & Surrey.

We’ll NEVER forget where we started. We’ll ALWAYS be proud of what we were and what we are. Our customers helped us. Our staff changed us. We owe it to you all to continue striving to be the very best. Proudly part of The Callver Group Ltd, we aim to continue striving to be the very best cleaning service you can find.

We have a very simple philosophy. Provide the very best cleaning and washroom service possible. With the very best teams of professional cleaners available. With the very best support, pay, motivation and training. This is what we do. This is what we’ll always do.

Whether to provide cleaning service to you directly, offer hygiene or sanitary advice or to be on standby for emergency requirements. We’re here.

Like to work with us? – please apply here

Find out more information about our:

Our Staff

We have over 35 people working for us, or on our behalf. Our teams of professional cleaners are from hugely varied backgrounds, from over 10 different countries and practicing many religions. We love getting to know our staff and their stories and every one of them helps us to learn more and be better. We’d like to tell you some of these stories…Please check in through our blog page to see them. They’re really great.

Callver is committed to providing the best, most trusted cleaning service possible, using the very best staff around, with the best materials available at a reasonable and fair price... It’s as simple as that.

Office Cleaning Blog


2024, 6 Months in and what's been happening...


Hello February... Love is all around!